Writing Process, News, Admin

News: Double… no wait, TRIPLE Pentad Day!

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Banter Latte News

Preamble Above, News Below! If you're in a TL;DR state of mind, feel free to skip down to the news below! As I mentioned last week, it's May the Fifth -- and while everyone knows May the Fourth is one of the biggest days of the pop culture year, as someone who's entire life became dominated… Continue reading News: Double… no wait, TRIPLE Pentad Day!

Admin, News, Writing Process

News: Banter Latte in the coming weeks! (Print version of Interviewing Leather! SHH!)

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Banter Latte News

An exciting look at the last week of April and the Month of May, full of new posts, new Amazon releases, and... honest to God... Interviewing Leather in dead tree form. Let's all be there!

Justice Wing, Writing Process

Patreon Exclusive: Worldbuilding and Notes for Part 1 of RTW News Closeup: Pentad of Guardians

Below is a sneak peek of this content!

That is a long title.

To view this content, you must be a member of Eric's Patreon at %%currency_sign_front%%0.01%%currency_sign_behind%% or more
Justice Wing, Writing Process

Patreon Exclusive: Worldbuilding and Notes for Greenhorn #4

Below is a sneak peek of this content!

The Patreon Exclusive Notes and Worldbuilding returns, bringing us to Greenhorn #4. Spoilers for that, “Diverged in a Wood,” “Forebears,” and some other stuff so be warned.

To view this content, you must be a member of Eric's Patreon at %%currency_sign_front%%0.01%%currency_sign_behind%% or more
Admin, Writing Process

June Questions and Answers on the Patreon for free!

It's June, and on June the First I offered to let Patrons who pledged at the Intrepid Reporter level (otherwise known as $10 or more) ask me any questions they liked, with an eye to printing the answers today. Well! It's today, and the answers are up! Free for all to read (you had to… Continue reading June Questions and Answers on the Patreon for free!

Writing Process

Inchworm… inchworm… measuring the post-lengths…

Does Sesame Street still play the Inchworm/“Two plus two are four” song? If not, do people still know how doubling works? In the last four days, I’ve written significant amounts of: A Myth about Scheduling Daemons (ironic as it is). Being the Steve (which is going very nicely). A teaser for a Patreon serial called The Age of… Continue reading Inchworm… inchworm… measuring the post-lengths…

Justice Wing, Mythic Heroes, Writing Process

Storytelling in a Hybrid Serial Model

A few months back, after literally years of being away from writing on a regular basis, I decided to begin the relaunch of my online life. Like many people in today's day and age, I decided to use Patreon as a means of organizing my activities and hopefully giving people value for their money --… Continue reading Storytelling in a Hybrid Serial Model


Announcing Folio #2: Generations and Originals!

Even as Folio #1’s PDFs get finalized (relatively exacting work) and the Myth gets transcribed onto pressed clay tablets then digitized via OCR (perhaps somewhat inefficient) it makes sense to actually put out Folio #2’s content list for people before we make it to the end of June so they can make informed choices! In… Continue reading Announcing Folio #2: Generations and Originals!

Writing Process, 023SG, Admin

Patreon: The Last Week of Folio #1

It's been a busy week over on the Patreon. I tried my best not to spam everyone with updates -- that way lies madness and people disliking you -- but it makes sense to catch people up as well as keep folks abreast of what's coming up next here on Banter Latte. Folio #1 is… Continue reading Patreon: The Last Week of Folio #1

Short Story, Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather: Diverged in a Wood (Patreon)

As hoped for as of yesterday, the first beta of "Diverged in a Wood" is now up on Patreon. I hope people like it. As mentioned before,  "Diverged" is the story of Lora Layton, Leather's older sister... and what happens after the Amplifier magazine article "Interviewing Leather" is published and she realizes that her sister has some… Continue reading Interviewing Leather: Diverged in a Wood (Patreon)