Justice Wing

“Being the Steve” rough draft on Patreon

Every supervillain heist needed a Steve -- a henchman who scoped the area ahead of the job, gave the all clear, watched for police or heroic intervention, and stayed clear and un-arrested so he could make the call to the Service if the villain and other henches were arrested. The Service would then clear out… Continue reading “Being the Steve” rough draft on Patreon

Uncategorized, Justice Wing

Justice Wing: Emergence #1 on Patreon

Justice Wing: Emergence #1 is now up at Patreon in its first beta draft form. This is the first Patreon-to-Amazon specific ongoing serial, and it takes place at the dawn of the heroic era in the Justice Wing universe. I'm pretty happy to begin finally telling some of these stories, starting with the first arc… Continue reading Justice Wing: Emergence #1 on Patreon

Justice Wing, Patreon, Serial, Superhero

Vilify 5 Revision! #1 on Patreon today, Free on Banter Latte tomorrow!

New on Patreon today, and scheduled to appear here free tomorrow -- the revised "Vilify 5 #1!" The Justice Wing universe has evolved quite a bit since the first couple of episodes of Vilify 5 came out, and as a result "Vilify 5" needed some reworking and adjusting. Episode 1 is, as stated, out, and… Continue reading Vilify 5 Revision! #1 on Patreon today, Free on Banter Latte tomorrow!

Justice Wing, Patreon, Superhero

Interviewing Trey #14 – on Patreon today, on Banter Latte tomorrow!

As we move into more of a regular rhythm, over on Patreon we see Interviewing Trey #14, with its Banter Latte appearance scheduled for tomorrow! Aside from the recalcitrant myth, we seem to be settling down. Justice Wing stuff -- including new and revived serials both exclusive to Patreon and shared here -- is gearing up… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #14 – on Patreon today, on Banter Latte tomorrow!

Short Story, Mythic Heroes

Teaser: Project Corrigendum – The Formation

If you happen to look at the Project Page for Mythic Heroes/023SG, you'll notice there's an imprint between The Home Front and The Age of Heroic Intent. That imprint is called Project Corrigendum, and it covers the period of time between the second world war and all its mystery men and wartime supers and the… Continue reading Teaser: Project Corrigendum – The Formation


Announcing Folio #2: Generations and Originals!

Even as Folio #1’s PDFs get finalized (relatively exacting work) and the Myth gets transcribed onto pressed clay tablets then digitized via OCR (perhaps somewhat inefficient) it makes sense to actually put out Folio #2’s content list for people before we make it to the end of June so they can make informed choices! In… Continue reading Announcing Folio #2: Generations and Originals!

Goldfish, Uncategorized, Mythic Heroes

“023SG: Goldfish: Rise of the Icthyomancer” begins!

Banter Latte news! The first new Banter Latte serial begins today on Patreon for all Patrons and arrives tomorrow morning right here, free as a grouper. Why the first new Banter Latte serial? Because Corbett-877 told me to shut up and leave it alone, and I owed one last Banter Latte post not counting the Myth. So you… Continue reading “023SG: Goldfish: Rise of the Icthyomancer” begins!

Short Story, Justice Wing

Patreon: Debriefing Leather

As promised and finally here (on the Patreon for $5+) -- a short story that actually had the good manners to stick to being a short story. It's a faster read as a result. It's got a lot in it for shorter, though. (And it's not a short-short by any means.) Marco and the Bagmen… Continue reading Patreon: Debriefing Leather

Justice Wing, Patreon, Superhero

“Like a Shot from a Cannon” teaser

This is something I posted to Twitter in the runup to the relaunch -- just a fast teaser. This is one of the pieces that's going to go in Interviewing Leather: An Anthology of Perspective. I really like fleshing out the difference between what Leather remembers happening (and her 'complicated' feelings about it) and what actually happened. I… Continue reading “Like a Shot from a Cannon” teaser