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News: Banter Latte in the coming weeks! (Print version of Interviewing Leather! SHH!)

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Banter Latte News

Interviewing Leather: The Todd Chapman Interview and Being the Steve is being published in electronic and dead tree form on May 14! And that’s not all!

Sorry. Seemed like a bad idea to bury the lede.

Howdy one and howdy all! It’s a new spring here at Banter Latte, and that means one crucial thing: spinning into high for the month of May!

May’s traditionally one of the heaviest months in the Banter Latte year (not every year, but traditions aren’t legally binding so hey — I’m not on trial here!), and I’m psyched that — barring some kind of problem, issue, or another ceiling falling on me, this should be no different!

In particular, this last week of April and the month of May are chock full of goodness here on Banter Latte, and over at Amazon! We have at least three new Amazon releases coming up — two eBooks and one eBook and print publication, which I may have spilled the beans on above. You can understand my excitement, I trust — we’ve been talking about this since 2007! This seems like reasonable cause for excitement.

Here’s what this week and May look like in general, with a few specific bits here and there.

  • Monday: as with yesterday, it’s the Banter Latte premiere of Forebears, with Book I: Mandy and Book II: Evan following one another in short order! How long will it go? Quite a while. Mandy’s around 42,000 words and Evan’s around 51,000 words. I like the post length in the serials to hover around 3,500 to 6,000 words, so if we assume an average post length of 4,750, that’s roughly 19 chapters in the Serial. And unlike a lot of these things? Those 19 chapters are done. So, if all goes according to plan, that serial will finish up… (checks) Huh. Labor Day. I did not expect that.
  • Tuesday: Nothing specific defined most weeks, so this may be the day where — like today — we catch up or discuss how things are going, have a few suggestions… who knows!
  • Wednesday: Another big deal for folks. Wednesdays are now Interviewing Trey days, with the initial Patroon-only version posting on each Wednesday. I’m shooting to keep that up until completion. We will, of course, see.
  • Thursday: If Wednesday’s when the patrons get the new Trey posts, Thursday’s when everyone else gets them!
  • Friday: Depending on the week, Fridays will either be a new Amazon release or a new Justice Wing Vignette! Whoo hoo!

This week, that means we have Monday, which (was) Forebears #1. We have Tuesday, which is… er… this post. We have Wednesday, which is Interviewing Trey #22 for the Patrons. We have Thursday, which is Interviewing Trey #22 unlocked and free on Banter Latte, and Friday?

Friday is the release of Motivation: Justice Wing Halcyon Days on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!

You may recall Motivation from its own serial last year. (Starting in? May, of course!) Now, we’re spinning up the edited and refined eBook. Since it ties in to some of the events in Justice Wing: Plan, Prototype, Produce, Perfect, it seemed like the perfect eBook for this first release!

So what about the month of May? What’s coming up then?

Well, Wednesday, 2020–05–05 — see the two fives — is double Pentad day, and we’ll have Pentad of Guardians content and fun! That Friday, Greenhorn: Defining Leather is released as an eBook!

And, as I said… Interviewing Leather: The Todd Chapman Interview and Being the Steve (Interviewing Leather for short) will be coming out on May 14, in eBook and Print! The book will have the two listed stories plus some additional bonus content, so I think people will be happy with it — and there’ll be some Day One special pricing on the eBook for people to jump on. More as we get closer! And then, the rest of that weekend look for some other cool things!

And what else are we doing this month? Well, we’re going to see the official launch of the ⎇001JW Omnipedia, otherwise known as the Justice Wing Wiki, right here on Banter Latte. Initially? It’s going to be the new cast list (though the old will stay up until it’s been fully deprecated). Beyond that — we’ll see. Maybe synopses, maybe some of the worldbuilt stuff that won’t make it into stories — we’ll have to see what happens!

We’re also going to see the launch of merchandise, at long long last. When? ‘May,’ tentatively. See how this works?

And when we get through May and go into June?

Well, Justice Wing: Plan, Prototype, Produce, Perfect’s General Edition will be released, at Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple iBooks, Scribd, and other stores — along with an alternate print version in paperback and hardcover! I’ll probably even have a local storefront so you can buy these right here. So that’s pretty cool!

It’s an exciting month, and I hope everyone’s doing great! We’ll see you… huh… tomorrow!

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News: Double… no wait, TRIPLE Pentad Day! »
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