Writing Process, News, Admin

News: Double… no wait, TRIPLE Pentad Day!

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Banter Latte News

Preamble Above, News Below! If you're in a TL;DR state of mind, feel free to skip down to the news below! As I mentioned last week, it's May the Fifth -- and while everyone knows May the Fourth is one of the biggest days of the pop culture year, as someone who's entire life became dominated… Continue reading News: Double… no wait, TRIPLE Pentad Day!

Admin, Writing Process, News

News: Banter Latte in the coming weeks! (Print version of Interviewing Leather! SHH!)

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Banter Latte News

An exciting look at the last week of April and the Month of May, full of new posts, new Amazon releases, and... honest to God... Interviewing Leather in dead tree form. Let's all be there!


Adventures in Writing! The New Fall Schedule

Right, we're going to call this week, excepting the end of "Interviewing Leather," a vacation week. Which makes a little sense. I've done a lot of writing since June, and between that and the start of school, it's probably at least a little lucky my brain hasn't exploded from the heat. Next week, we'll launch… Continue reading Adventures in Writing! The New Fall Schedule