Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #7 (CONCLUSION!)

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

"...whoever she was, she wasn’t a Steve. She clearly wasn’t a Steve. So you didn’t lie to me. I get that.” She took a breath. “Was it a good offer?”

“Amazing offer. You couldn’t match it.”

“Yeah, well. How screwed are you, now?”

He laughed, slightly. “Pretty screwed.”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #6

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

“You change your circumstances, so you change your role. You wear a different face.” The Steve took a deep breath. “I do it all the time. Every time I head into the field, I’m somebody else.”

“I can’t imagine that,” the blond said. “Just… flipping like that.”

“Sure you can,” the Steve said. “When you call your grandmother, your whole attitude changes — you even get more of a southern accent.”

“Well… sure… but—“

“We all do it. Everyone does. I just… do it more completely. And every Cowl or Cape and every Crook who keeps a secret identity does it every day. The masks are external. The change is internal.”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #5

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

"I know you don’t care. I know that. You’re a Crook — you don’t have to give a damn about my feelings but you’re always just—“ He shuddered again. “I know I’m fired. I don’t care. But I can’t — not today, okay? I just can’t play along today, all right?"

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #4

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

“I’m sorry, maybe I never explained something to you,” Leather hissed. “You don’t add people to my plan without telling me!

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Becoming Leather: Greenhorn #1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Becoming Leather - Greenhorn

“That’s enough!” the officer processing Leather snapped. “Pipe down!” Leather snorted, then stared at the officer. “Did you just… did you just tell me to pipe down? Are… are we actually living in a Heinlein novel? You have to tell me if we’re living in a Heinlein novel or it’s entrapment. I know my rights.”

Justice Wing, Mythic Heroes, Writing Process

Storytelling in a Hybrid Serial Model

A few months back, after literally years of being away from writing on a regular basis, I decided to begin the relaunch of my online life. Like many people in today's day and age, I decided to use Patreon as a means of organizing my activities and hopefully giving people value for their money --… Continue reading Storytelling in a Hybrid Serial Model

Justice Wing

001JW: The Paragirl from West Littleton (Tease)

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series Justice Wing Vignettes

Even as Folio #1 gets assembled for PDFing, and the Myth gets ready for being put out... Folio #2 is rearing its head. Folio #2: Generations and Originals stakes out beginnings and expands our options a bit. This includes the next Justice Wing Banter Latte serial -- alongside Interviewing Trey and Vilify 5 (which is… Continue reading 001JW: The Paragirl from West Littleton (Tease)

Mythic Heroes, The Home Front, 023SG

The Home Front: Homecoming Part Four

This entry is part 2 of 9 in the series Mythic Heroes

At very long last, the fourth installment of "Homecoming." Interesting things when you're working on a story like this -- especially when there's a long break the way there was with "Homecoming." You evolve as a writer. The world you're writing in evolves and changes. Your priorities change. Your understanding changes. But when you return… Continue reading The Home Front: Homecoming Part Four

The Home Front, 023SG, Admin, Mythic Heroes

The Home Front: Homecoming: For Those Who Came In Late

Previously in The Home Front and "Homecoming #1-4:" Decades before the Age of Heroic Intent, the first costumed heroes and super heroes began to appear. The first of these Mystery Men -- and also also the last -- was Knight City's Adrian Wainwright, AKA the Golden Swashbuckler, who began his career in 1923 and retired in… Continue reading The Home Front: Homecoming: For Those Who Came In Late

Goldfish, 023SG, Mythic Heroes

023SG: The Goldfish: Rise of the Icthyomancer #1

This entry is part 3 of 9 in the series Mythic Heroes

I'll mention, first off, that this was supposed to be Corbett-877. Liam's keeping his mouth shut, so instead... here you go! The very first 023SG post -- a whole new world. Which is a lie in at least two ways. The first way is simple. All the Mythic Heroes posts I did before? "The Home Front?" "Diamond in… Continue reading 023SG: The Goldfish: Rise of the Icthyomancer #1