Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Trey #22

This entry is part 22 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

“Fair,” the Jack said. “And commendable. I mean, you’re still an idiot, but if you’re going to be an idiot, go all the way, I say. Enjoy your idiocy! God knows most people do.”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Trey #21

This entry is part 21 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Shades of the old posting style, it's Interviewing Trey #21! And in less than forever this time, no less! Exclusive to Patreon subscribers for the first twenty-four hours!

Justice Wing

⎇001JW: Interviewing Trey #19

This entry is part 19 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

The lost episode of Interviewing Trey, just in time for new episodes to follow it! In rapid succession, Todd Chapman has found himself at a dead tear, been changed into formal-wear in an elevator, paraded in front of Dispater's Pit's villainous investors, met Beguile, re-met supervillain-hanger-on Moriarty James, offended Lady Violet, Decipher, and the other younger Dark Gods of Greystone, and been healed at the direction of the legendary, urbane, and very dangerous Buzzy Denis -- aka the Buzzard. Now, fresh off of being pulled aside by the Buzzard for a little chat, Todd Chapman is being brought back into the predators' den... knowing all too well the Jack O'Knaves will be making his appearance soon...

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #15

This entry is part 15 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

As was mentioned yesterday, it's Interviewing Trey #15. It's interesting to me how these serials pace out sometimes. We can have several hours or days pass between posts in one area, and have three posts in a row all within a very short timeframe. It's all about finding the right pacing, or doing one's level best to… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #15

Justice Wing, Serial

Interviewing Trey: For Those Who Came In Late

In Interviewing Trey #1-12... Some years before, Todd Chapman had been a music journalist for Amplifier magazine. He was given the opportunity to interview a third tier, C-list supervillain named Leather -- an interview which went over the course of a week and served as a crash course in the economics of making a living at super villainy,… Continue reading Interviewing Trey: For Those Who Came In Late

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #12

This entry is part 12 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

And here we are at the end of the week, and with any kind of luck at all, this post will actually appear on Friday. My old friend Jonathan Lennox thinks that a modern myth discussing the scheduling daemons that actually put the posts up at their appointed times is in order, to perhaps mollify said… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #12

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #6

This entry is part 6 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

I doubt somewhat that many folks will see this right away, what since there was an American holiday yesterday, and that's where a lot of my readers hale from, but just in case we're at part six of Interviewing Trey, which is remarkable when you consider that Interviewing Leather only went to part fourteen. How long will this one go? Hard… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #6

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #4

This entry is part 4 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

It's Friday -- and you know what that means. It's another day where we're Interviewing Trey -- not that the interview has really started. This episode... um... yeah. You know what? I'll try to get complete notes on it later this morning, because I can't exactly put them in now. I may even write a… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #4

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #3

This entry is part 3 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Welcome back... to Ghost Story. I'm Sebastian Cabot. Or something like that. We're well into Interviewing Trey, and so far folks seem to like it. I'll admit I was glad to get back to Todd Chapman. One thing I'm trying to do, for the record, is give some idea of how Chapman isn't quite the… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #3

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #2

This entry is part 2 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Part two of Interviewing Trey, and the first part where we really get to know the Jack O'Knaves. For those who've read Interviewing Leather, there's one significant difference that will become apparent in this post. Leather was a thief, pure and simple. She didn't just avoid killing, she went out of her way to not… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #2