Vignette, Justice Wing

⎇001JW Emergence Vignette: The Interrogation

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Justice Wing Emergence Anthology

“I’ve compromised their security system,” Nightstick said, quietly. “The feeds won’t show us in there, and Carter will be tied up in red tape for at least seventeen minutes. The door’s locked and I’ve set a secondary lock-seal on this side to reinforce it. This is our window.”

“Gotcha.” Paragon took a deep breath. “I’ll take bad cop,” he said, after a moment.

Nightstick turned to look at Paragon.

“What? You said it yourself. We’re low on time.”

Justice Wing, In Print, Physical, Amazon Kindle, Novel

⎇001JW Novel now available – Justice Wing: Plan, Prototype, Produce, Perfect

The first full length, history-spanning (all four eras!) Justice Wing novel is here!

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Halcyon Days: Motivation #6

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Justice Wing Halcyon Days: Motivation


“I came out there for my sister’s funeral, and to help wrap up her final affairs. And you know what I found out?”

“What did you find out?” Bryce asked, quietly.

“I found out that Julie was... the smartest person ever. And she was nice and kind and never forgot how to sew. She liked to cross stitch and she looked good in peasant dresses and I watched a Chief Technology Officer break down and cry over her, and... and the thing of it is, no one cares. To everyone else? She was just... an appendage. Something strapped to the Artifact to give him depth or some kind of... Jesus. Backstory.”

Uncategorized, Justice Wing

Justice Wing: Emergence #1 on Patreon

Justice Wing: Emergence #1 is now up at Patreon in its first beta draft form. This is the first Patreon-to-Amazon specific ongoing serial, and it takes place at the dawn of the heroic era in the Justice Wing universe. I'm pretty happy to begin finally telling some of these stories, starting with the first arc… Continue reading Justice Wing: Emergence #1 on Patreon

Writing Process, 023SG, Admin

Patreon: The Last Week of Folio #1

It's been a busy week over on the Patreon. I tried my best not to spam everyone with updates -- that way lies madness and people disliking you -- but it makes sense to catch people up as well as keep folks abreast of what's coming up next here on Banter Latte. Folio #1 is… Continue reading Patreon: The Last Week of Folio #1

Justice Wing

Justice Wing: Prologue

As promised, this is the first official Justice Wing post, appropriately named "Prologue." It sets up a few things, gives you some better idea of who the players are and how long they've been at this, and... well, gives us something to go from. Which is, in the end, what a prologue is supposed to… Continue reading Justice Wing: Prologue