Justice Wing

⎇001JW — Justice Wing Emergence #2

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Justice Wing Emergence

The second part of "On the Threshold!" Chad starts work at the Chronicle, Teddy and Barbara begin their unicorn hunt, Leo and his brain trust begin their efforts to save Earth, Astrid begins her new life, and Mason begins his journey... but may not begin it alone... 

Justice Wing, Patreon, Serial, Superhero, Uncategorized

Justice Wing: Emergence #1 on Patreon

Justice Wing: Emergence #1 is now up at Patreon in its first beta draft form. This is the first Patreon-to-Amazon specific ongoing serial, and it takes place at the dawn of the heroic era in the Justice Wing universe. I'm pretty happy to begin finally telling some of these stories, starting with the first arc… Continue reading Justice Wing: Emergence #1 on Patreon