Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Trey #23

This entry is part 23 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

“I noticed you were… protective of Trey, out there. Wary to save face for her, concerned that she might get in trouble or endure the agony Jack shackled her with far more completely than that wristband?” “Well… yeah. I guess I am.” “Mm.” Lady Velvet turned and looked at me. “Mister Chapman? I have to believe you’re far too smart to be this much of an idiot, so I’d love to hear what you’re thinking.”

Writing Process, News, Admin

News: Double… no wait, TRIPLE Pentad Day!

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Banter Latte News

Preamble Above, News Below! If you're in a TL;DR state of mind, feel free to skip down to the news below! As I mentioned last week, it's May the Fifth -- and while everyone knows May the Fourth is one of the biggest days of the pop culture year, as someone who's entire life became dominated… Continue reading News: Double… no wait, TRIPLE Pentad Day!

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Trey #22

This entry is part 22 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

“Fair,” the Jack said. “And commendable. I mean, you’re still an idiot, but if you’re going to be an idiot, go all the way, I say. Enjoy your idiocy! God knows most people do.”

Admin, News, Writing Process

News: Banter Latte in the coming weeks! (Print version of Interviewing Leather! SHH!)

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Banter Latte News

An exciting look at the last week of April and the Month of May, full of new posts, new Amazon releases, and... honest to God... Interviewing Leather in dead tree form. Let's all be there!

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Trey #21

This entry is part 21 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Shades of the old posting style, it's Interviewing Trey #21! And in less than forever this time, no less! Exclusive to Patreon subscribers for the first twenty-four hours!

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Trey #20

This entry is part 20 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Todd Chapman is alone with Lady Violet, the diabolical alchemist who despises him. Can he possibly survive? At long long long last, the twentieth part of Interviewing Trey. It's actually been ready for quite a while, but there are some behind the scenes site redesigns that needed to take place, and we've finally had a… Continue reading ⎇001JW Interviewing Trey #20

Justice Wing

⎇001JW: Interviewing Trey #18

This entry is part 18 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Another week, and... huh. An actual third post in two weeks. Interviewing Trey, actually getting updates. In this case, picking up where we left off, with Chapman being pulled aside by another of Greystone City's first tier villains... and revealing more about still others... Also? Quentin Crisp references. Because.

Justice Wing

⎇001JW: Interviewing Trey #17

This entry is part 17 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Two posts in two days. That likely won't last. Still -- if Interviewing Trey #16 was mostly setup, #17 is where things begin to happen.

The language is a little rougher than normal in this one, which came as a surprise to me. This one also begins to fill out the ⎇001JW villain roster, which honestly it's needed. We also have a limited edition villain pastiche collector's set rounded out, which is cool. I hope you enjoy it.

There's also a lot of description in this one. "What are you wearing" is just part of any major event on the social calendar, I guess.

Justice Wing

⎇001JW: Interviewing Trey #16

This entry is part 16 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

After too long, Interviewing Trey returns -- and I've actually got the next several posts of this serial in various forms of complete along with it. In one sense, #15 ended 'section one' of this story, and this starts up 'section two,' which is pretty fast paced. This story also contains the often-mentioned band the Cheshire Kittens, who've existed both here and in Superguyish type things for over a decade with none of them getting screen time until now. You get to see them in their natural environment, which is vulgarity.

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #15

This entry is part 15 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

As was mentioned yesterday, it's Interviewing Trey #15. It's interesting to me how these serials pace out sometimes. We can have several hours or days pass between posts in one area, and have three posts in a row all within a very short timeframe. It's all about finding the right pacing, or doing one's level best to… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #15