Mandy Shapiro on the Phone
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing: Forebears #9 (Double Sized Conclusion of Book One: Mandy!)

This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series Forebears

“Oh my God, Mandy!” came a shout. Topaz. Of course it was Topaz. “Oh my God oh my God Mandy! Are you all right? Who did this to you? I'll tear them into kibble! What do you need? How can I help—”

“Teeny! Shh! Mandy? Mandy this is Hearth.” Dorian sounded… like Dorian. Warm. Caring. Concerned. And laser focused. “I haven’t been able to get over there yet, but I’ve gotten reports on your recovery. I think I can help balance out your residual neurological disruption before your abilities significantly reassert themselves—”

“Eighteen seconds!” That shout was Keira — Jetgirl. “I was eighteen seconds behind Hardesty, and she cheated! I scared the Hell out of those punks, I can tell you! They thought Lynette landed hard? They had no idea!”

“Aunt Mandy? Aunt Mandy?”

Mandy’s throat caught, tears beading unexpectedly in her eyes.

Novella, Justice Wing

⎇001JW In Nadir Pentad of Guardians: Transposition #4 (Conclusion!)

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Justice Wing In Nadir: Transposition

"My point is… every day I was confused, or scared, or didn’t know what was wrong with me. I felt ungrateful. So blessed with so much, and I couldn’t just live the life people expected from me. And then… then I started reading about you. Not just the pioneering aviator, or aeronautical engineer… but a woman who kept her own name after marriage. A woman who lived her life and when it was public may have been coy but she was also unashamed. I wanted that, so badly. I just wanted to be… me. And be happy. You helped me believe that was possible. And then… the Pentad made it real.” She took a deep breath. “And I believe you’re really the ghost of Amelia Earhart. I don’t know why, but I do. And it feels like this is my big chance say all this to you, and to thank you – for everything, as well as for the advice you’re giving me now.” She paused. “Even when that advice is full of crap.”

Justice Wing, Novella

⎇001JW In Nadir Pentad of Guardians: Transposition #3

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Justice Wing In Nadir: Transposition

“Are you nuts!?” Orville shouted. “Are you seriously about to call down an orbital strike on yourself!?” “Please,” Jetgirl muttered, kicking into full burn. “Sky-eye’s at ten thousand feet at the most. It’s hardly Low Earth Orbit. This is just a garden variety energy-weapon airstrike.”

Novella, Justice Wing

⎇001JW In Nadir Pentad of Guardians: Transposition #2

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Justice Wing In Nadir: Transposition

Landing in his full grey tunic and uniform with the pink v-overlay, pink mask on his face, the man landed with arms spread wide. “I dare, Kitsune!” He moved into a fluid spelldance, protective fields spreading out to protect the civilians – he’d quietly warded them before, so Jetgirl knew these new ‘wards’ were just theatrics. “Last of my Order from a World that never was! Red Point of the Pentad of Guardians! Founding Excelsior and exemplar of life! I am the Heart and the Healing! I! Am! Hearth!” “…oh God don’t do the catchphrase,” Jet muttered. “There are people here.”

Justice Wing, Novella

⎇001JW In Nadir Pentad of Guardians: Transposition #1

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Justice Wing In Nadir: Transposition

Dedicated to Chris Meadows
Clear skies, hot jets, and good hunting, R_M.

Jetgirl stared. “Why are you being so blasé about all this? I mean, these people are in danger and if she’s taking everyone hostage to find some lost sprocket I can’t imagine we should let her find it.”

“It’s bad form to leap into local affairs uninvited,” Hearth replied, lightly. “And they’re looking for the 'Silver Spoke Cog,' not a sprocket.”

“I will wire you ten thousand dollars today if you can correctly define the difference between a cog and a sprocket, right here and right now, without looking it up on your phone first.”

“Well, I know Cogsworth sold cogs and Spacely sold sprockets on the Jetsons. How much is that worth?"

Justice Wing, Writing Process

Patreon Exclusive: Worldbuilding and Notes for Part 1 of RTW News Closeup: Pentad of Guardians

Below is a sneak peek of this content!

That is a long title.

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Screenplay, Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing Emergence: RTV Closeup on the Pentad of Guardians #1

RTW – Rock the World Television! – and RTV NEWS presents RTV News Closeup: The Pentad of Guardians! Meet Empire City's newest heroes and learn their secret origins! (Transcript.)

Short Story, Justice Wing

⎇001 Justice Wing: The Excelsiors – Reaching Higher

After a lot of years, we finally go to Empire City, New York in the Justice Wing universe. For those who've wondered where the alleged Marvel influences on Justice Wing are... well, here you go.

For the record, this is a complete Novella. So... budget at least some time for reading it. And despite the header image? Amulet is only mentioned in the story. She doesn't appear.