Mandy Shapiro on the Phone
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing: Forebears #9 (Double Sized Conclusion of Book One: Mandy!)

This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series Forebears

“Oh my God, Mandy!” came a shout. Topaz. Of course it was Topaz. “Oh my God oh my God Mandy! Are you all right? Who did this to you? I'll tear them into kibble! What do you need? How can I help—”

“Teeny! Shh! Mandy? Mandy this is Hearth.” Dorian sounded… like Dorian. Warm. Caring. Concerned. And laser focused. “I haven’t been able to get over there yet, but I’ve gotten reports on your recovery. I think I can help balance out your residual neurological disruption before your abilities significantly reassert themselves—”

“Eighteen seconds!” That shout was Keira — Jetgirl. “I was eighteen seconds behind Hardesty, and she cheated! I scared the Hell out of those punks, I can tell you! They thought Lynette landed hard? They had no idea!”

“Aunt Mandy? Aunt Mandy?”

Mandy’s throat caught, tears beading unexpectedly in her eyes.

Mandy Shapiro on the Phone
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing: Forebears #8

This entry is part 8 of 14 in the series Forebears

“Of course I can,” Mandy said, quietly. “If it weren’t an inherent conflict of interest I’d represent them pro bono. I hate them. I hate them, Theriault.” Mandy managed to focus on the woman. “But do I sympathize? Of course I do.”

Mandy Shapiro on the Phone
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing: Forebears #5

This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series Forebears

Mandy snorted. “West? Do you know why they pull cops with a personal stake off cases? It’s because they have a personal stake. That throws them off. You know that. You must know that. You know better than to—”

“Than to what, Shapiro? Than to bend or break the rules in the name of justice? What the Hell do you think Vortex was doing out there? Huh? What the Hell do you think Nightstick or Foolhardy or even the Beacon do in their cities? So tell me why I have to just live with my son in a cemetery and play by rules that don’t apply to Holland or anyone like him! Huh? When’s it my turn to get to take the short cut?”

Mandy looked at West. “Never,” she said, simply. “It’s never your turn.“

Mandy Shapiro on the Phone
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing: Forebears #3

This entry is part 3 of 14 in the series Forebears

"You know what, counselor? A lot of the public sees criminals or villains get off scot free after wanton destruction, and they don’t think ‘gosh, I’m glad they got a zealous defense.’ They think ‘Wow. Everyone’s corrupt and the system’s broken and our only hope are vigilante superheroes because the police and the courts and the prisons are all useless.’ How’s that helping your client?”

“Tell me if I’m crazy, but are you rebutting my request that you do your job better by telling me to stop doing my job so well? Because that’s what it sounds like, and gotta say? Not really in my nature to suck on purpose."

Mandy Shapiro on the Phone
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing: Forebears #2

This entry is part 2 of 14 in the series Forebears

“…they told me there’d be a lawyer sent over. I’m not sure I should discuss this with you.”

“Right. Because you want to be loyal to the syndicate. I get it.” Mandy paused, for effect. “You realize that lawyer isn’t coming, right?”

Mandy Shapiro on the Phone
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing: Forebears #1

This entry is part 1 of 14 in the series Forebears

“You people defend super villains. Criminals. World conquerors. Mass murderers. And you expect me to just let you walk in here—”

“We ‘people?’ Interesting phrasing, Detective Corporal. I’ll assume you mean ‘lawyers.’ And yes, my firm specializes in parahuman criminal defense, because some police officers and district attorneys forget that parahumans get the same rights every other criminal gets. Like — just to throw out an example? The right to a zealous defense. Not all police officers, of course. Not even most. Just some.