Evan Shapiro
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing: Forebears #13

This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series Forebears

“Our daughter Loredana is a parahuman, Evan. She chose to bluesuit. That’s fine. She gets to do that… for now, anyway. But the things we’re hammering out in those meetings… Evan, it’s not about Justice Wing or super heroes or even what happened in Europe or all the dead people. It’s about terrified prosahumans and what they might do out of fear, and every bit of it is pointed square at Danni. So no, Evan. There is no realistic alternative. I will die ten times in agony before I allow my daughter to spend the rest of her life hiding from her government and neighbors.” She took a slightly ragged breath. “So. Are there any questions, or have I made myself clear?”

Fictional Nonfiction, Justice Wing

⎇001JW: The Cheshire Kittens Discography

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series Justice Wing Vignettes

As we head closer to actual content returning from Summer Vacation (otherwise known as Summer-Work-Massive-Not-Vacation), here's a couple of things from the Patreon connected to the Cheshire Kittens. First up -- a discography! As of this writing, the Cheshire Kittens have had twelve albums, two live albums (one a double-album) and one box set compilation.… Continue reading ⎇001JW: The Cheshire Kittens Discography