Justice Wing, In Print, Physical, Amazon Kindle, Novel

⎇001JW Novel now available – Justice Wing: Plan, Prototype, Produce, Perfect

The first full length, history-spanning (all four eras!) Justice Wing novel is here!

Justice Wing

⎇001JW In Nadir: The Monologue #1

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series The Monologue

Part of being a norm hero — prosahuman! they heard Cozy Wight correct in the back of her head — meant constant physical training to keep up with the parahumans she dealt with on both sides of the aisle. DETAILS called it ‘discipline’ based super powers, which always made Crosspointe imagine a bunch of super-Dommes. And, admittedly, Crosspointe never missed with a whip.

But then, Crosspointe never missed. It was kind of their thing.

Justice Wing

⎇001JW: Interviewing Trey #19

This entry is part 19 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

The lost episode of Interviewing Trey, just in time for new episodes to follow it! In rapid succession, Todd Chapman has found himself at a dead tear, been changed into formal-wear in an elevator, paraded in front of Dispater's Pit's villainous investors, met Beguile, re-met supervillain-hanger-on Moriarty James, offended Lady Violet, Decipher, and the other younger Dark Gods of Greystone, and been healed at the direction of the legendary, urbane, and very dangerous Buzzy Denis -- aka the Buzzard. Now, fresh off of being pulled aside by the Buzzard for a little chat, Todd Chapman is being brought back into the predators' den... knowing all too well the Jack O'Knaves will be making his appearance soon...

Short Story, Justice Wing

⎇001JW The Excelsiors: Reorientation

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Justice Wing Halcyon Days

Justice Wing Excelsiors: Orientation told the story of Mierra McCall arriving at the 'summer camp' that was her cover story for joining Empire City's Excelsiors. In the process, she met Delia Temple (the daughter to DETAILS Agent Lynette Hardesty), Conner Church (son to fellow Excelsior Colin 'The Cavalier' Church), and the rest of the charter class of the new Justice Wing Institute for Parahuman Studies. But, while Mierra was meeting the future of heroism, Lynette Hardesty and Colin Church had a discussion of their own -- one they had put off for a long time...

Justice Wing

⎇001JW The Excelsiors: Orientation

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Justice Wing Halcyon Days

It's several weeks after the events of Justice Wing: The Excelsiors Reaching Higher, and Mierra McCall -- aka the Rambunctious Rodent -- is on her way to the in-city summer camp Colin Church (aka the high flying Cavalier) set up for her to begin training and get her school life back on track. But where Mierra expected a computer coding camp at least as a cover story, instead she finds DETAILS Special Agent Lynette Hardesty, and a unique group of teenagers, including a rather strange young girl named Vortex, an oddly mature teenager named Cosette Wight, Colin Church's fourteen year old son, and her first step into another world. Oh, and Trudy. She also finds Trudy. The gateway to Justice Wing: Halcyon Days starts here.

Justice Wing

⎇001JW: Interviewing Trey #17

This entry is part 17 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Two posts in two days. That likely won't last. Still -- if Interviewing Trey #16 was mostly setup, #17 is where things begin to happen.

The language is a little rougher than normal in this one, which came as a surprise to me. This one also begins to fill out the ⎇001JW villain roster, which honestly it's needed. We also have a limited edition villain pastiche collector's set rounded out, which is cool. I hope you enjoy it.

There's also a lot of description in this one. "What are you wearing" is just part of any major event on the social calendar, I guess.

Justice Wing


In an effort to make things clearer, we begin a Cast List project for Justice Wing – both for specific stories and for general background. We're starting this week with the "Junior Justice Wingers," a group of sidekicks and young heroes originally connected to the Justice Wing and later students at the Justice Wing Institute… Continue reading Amulet