Writing Process, Admin, Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revisited: Forward

The story as it exists clearly has its fans (and its detractors, but that's as may be). However... it's *very* rough. Ragged. There are plenty of typos and bad choices. It needs editing at the very least before it could be published as either an eBook or as part of an anthology.


Five tweets of interest to those waiting patiently for Banter Latte’s return….

Doing actual prep-work for the Banter Latte return/restoral/phase III project. It includes *five* paid continuing stories.— Eric Burns-White (@demiurgent) June 25, 2014 This is in addition to five separate free continuing stories already in progress (no one will be charged to read more Lovelace 1/2 or Trey.) — Eric Burns-White (@demiurgent) June 25, 2014 //platform.twitter.com/widgets.js… Continue reading Five tweets of interest to those waiting patiently for Banter Latte’s return….


Adventures in Writing! The New Fall Schedule

Right, we're going to call this week, excepting the end of "Interviewing Leather," a vacation week. Which makes a little sense. I've done a lot of writing since June, and between that and the start of school, it's probably at least a little lucky my brain hasn't exploded from the heat. Next week, we'll launch… Continue reading Adventures in Writing! The New Fall Schedule


Administrative details

We've added a few links to the sidebar, for those who might be interested. That includes various Alexandra Erin project links, and a link to Mason Kramer's new 1Kaday -- Mason's vowed to do 1,024 words a day through the year, and coined his own term for a post that's exactly 1,024 words long: the… Continue reading Administrative details


Weekends: Navigational!

I am in Ottawa this weekend, which doesn't stop you from sounding off! And here's the action topic! We're now in a situation where there are several multipart stories that are running here over Banter Lattes, no whip, with a shot of sugar free hazelnut. This includes some of the most popular stuff on the… Continue reading Weekends: Navigational!