Deleted Scenes, Justice Wing, Writing Process

Patreon Exclusive: Greenhorn Deleted Scenes

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Exclusively for Patreon subscribers at the $5 or higher levels – deleted scenes from Greenhorn. Leather and her public defender, Leather and Anchor talking in the jail exercise yard, and Leather, Boatswain, and other villains...

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Justice Wing

⎇001JW Becoming Leather: Greenhorn #5

SERIES CONCLUSION! “I’m impressed,” Beguile said, after a long moment. “I didn’t think it was possible to fuck up so completely. I’m relatively sure you’ve set some kind of record.”

Writing Process, Justice Wing

Patreon Exclusive: Worldbuilding and Notes for Greenhorn #2

Below is a sneak peek of this content!

Notes, worldbuilding, behind-the-scences information, and cheerful explanations on stuff found in Becoming Leather: Greenhorn #1! PATREON EXCLUSIVE!!!

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Justice Wing

⎇001JW Becoming Leather: Greenhorn #3

“Okay, *why* the Hell haven’t I heard of you before now?” he asked, finally. Leather laughed. It sounded bitter. “They couldn’t even get my name right in the paper. Why would you hear about me? But I apparently made *Page View Review* because I don’t have tits.” —Anchor and Leather

Beguile's Banner
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Becoming Leather: Greenhorn #2

Leather’s heart was pounding, but her eyes narrowed. “Miss Beguile, you could wipe me off the planet with a thought and I know it. So, please don’t take this as disrespect… but my name is *Leather.* If you forget that, there’ll be trouble.” “I know.” Beguile paused, standing in front of Leather. “I was making sure *you* did. And seeing if you were the kind of pissant annoyance who’ll assert herself in the face of complete obliteration. I’m glad to see you are. —Leather and Beguile

Writing Process, Justice Wing

Patreon Exclusive: Worldbuilding and Notes for Greenhorn #1

Below is a sneak peek of this content!

Notes, worldbuilding, behind-the-scences information, and cheerful explanations on stuff found in Becoming Leather: Greenhorn #1! PATREON EXCLUSIVE!!!

To view this content, you must be a member of Eric's Patreon at %%currency_sign_front%%0.01%%currency_sign_behind%% or more
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Becoming Leather: Greenhorn #1

“That’s enough!” the officer processing Leather snapped. “Pipe down!” Leather snorted, then stared at the officer. “Did you just… did you just tell me to pipe down? Are… are we actually living in a Heinlein novel? You have to tell me if we’re living in a Heinlein novel or it’s entrapment. I know my rights.”

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #13

After a rather long way away, as we've discussed elsewhere... Interviewing Trey returns -- the second of these serials to be revived. As you'll recall, Todd Chapman's in a bit of a pickle, and I'm afraid his brining isn't over just yet. One aim I have, in the "explaining how villainy works" vein, is the differentiation… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #13