Justice Wing

⎇001JW: Interviewing Trey #17

This entry is part 17 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

Two posts in two days. That likely won't last. Still -- if Interviewing Trey #16 was mostly setup, #17 is where things begin to happen. The language is a little rougher than normal in this one, which came as a surprise to me. This one also begins to fill out the ⎇001JW villain roster, which honestly it's needed. We also have a limited edition villain pastiche collector's set rounded out, which is cool. I hope you enjoy it. There's also a lot of description in this one. "What are you wearing" is just part of any major event on the social calendar, I guess.

Justice Wing

Interviewing Trey #8

This entry is part 8 of 23 in the series Interviewing Trey

I'm enjoying writing Interviewing Trey. In the end, the driver for these stories, in my own brain, is working out the why of certain types of supervillain or supervillainous organization. In the case of Leather, back in the last story, that why shaped Leather's little gang and her modus operandi. But this time? What is the why of the Jack O'Knaves? That… Continue reading Interviewing Trey #8