Justice Wing, Writing Process

Patreon Exclusive: Worldbuilding and Notes for Part 1 of RTW News Closeup: Pentad of Guardians

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Screenplay, Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing Emergence: RTV Closeup on the Pentad of Guardians #1

RTW – Rock the World Television! – and RTV NEWS presents RTV News Closeup: The Pentad of Guardians! Meet Empire City's newest heroes and learn their secret origins! (Transcript.)

Short Story, Justice Wing

⎇001 Justice Wing: The Excelsiors – Reaching Higher

After a lot of years, we finally go to Empire City, New York in the Justice Wing universe. For those who've wondered where the alleged Marvel influences on Justice Wing are... well, here you go. For the record, this is a complete Novella. So... budget at least some time for reading it. And despite the header image? Amulet is only mentioned in the story. She doesn't appear.