Justice Wing, Writing Process

Progress Report: “Diverged in a Wood”

The next Patreon short story -- "Diverged in a Wood" -- is proceeding apace and on pace. This wasn't a story I expected to be writing, at least not now, but then it got loud in my head -- louder than "Being the Steve," which honestly surprises me. It's a long short story but a… Continue reading Progress Report: “Diverged in a Wood”

Writing Process

Patreon Folio #1 Progress Report

So! It makes sense to keep everyone up to date with Folio #1! Both where everything's as expected and where we're course-correcting! Wordcount: 40,000 words minimum + Myth bonus. Currently: 52,500. "Cannon's" first beta went very long, which I'm personally fine with. I'm going to still fill out the rest of the Folio. Bystander Level:… Continue reading Patreon Folio #1 Progress Report