In Print, Goldfish, Physical, Short Story, Project Corrigendum, Amazon Kindle, The Recluse, The Home Front, Imperial Space, The Age of Heroic Intent, Drabble, Justice Wing, Gossamer Reflections, Mythic Heroes, The Ladies, Fictional Nonfiction, In Nomine, News, Screenplay, Writing Process, Deleted Scenes, 023SG

Administrative: An important administrative detail that needs to be explicit.

I just posted an important, if entirely administrative – and honestly, absolutely obvious set of details about my writing here and elsewhere up on the Patreon, free for the reading. I'll embed a PDF here, but if there should be a revision on the Patreon version, the Patreon version is to be considered correct unless… Continue reading Administrative: An important administrative detail that needs to be explicit.


Random Thursday Drabble: What makes a hero?

“I keep hearing people talk about how Superman’s the best super hero or Batman’s better or how great Wonder Woman or Oracle is — and they compare their muscles or their powers or their smarts like it all came down to the stats printed on the back of the cards their action figures came on.”… Continue reading Random Thursday Drabble: What makes a hero?