Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #7 (CONCLUSION!)

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

"...whoever she was, she wasn’t a Steve. She clearly wasn’t a Steve. So you didn’t lie to me. I get that.” She took a breath. “Was it a good offer?”

“Amazing offer. You couldn’t match it.”

“Yeah, well. How screwed are you, now?”

He laughed, slightly. “Pretty screwed.”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #9

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series Interviewing Leather Revised

“Hey spiky!” Leather shouted, tearing the box open and aside and lifting the Mountbatten Urn where it could be clearly seen. “Is this what you’re looking for? Huh?”

Darkhood skidded to a stop. “Leather! Put that down – gently! We can talk about this!”

“Yeah, about that? So not my style!” She giggled. “Think fast!”

I stared, my hands working my camera almost mechanically, as Leather did a forward in-air roll and flung the priceless urn out and away from herself, far over Darkhood’s head.

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #3

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

"...Chapman’s not babbling. He’s asking questions. He won’t stop asking questions.”

“Isn’t that literally what an interviewer does?” the brown haired bagman asked.

“No. An interviewer follows a script — maybe digging a bit deep here and there, but not too much. All he wants are easy answers he can write up to everyone’s satisfaction. You read a couple’a issues of Amplifer, right? Those things are PR. We talked about this. There’s never surprises.”


“And Chapman’s asking questions.” Marco was frowning. “He isn’t putting together a breezy little five page publicity exercise. He’s trying to understand. He’s actively trying to understand.”

The Steve was frowning. “Marco’s right,” he said. “He’s…”

Pieces fell into place. “Oh shit, he’s a journalist,” the Steve said, softly.

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #2

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

“Four henches?” Chapman looked around, then looked right at the Steve. He clearly hadn’t even noticed the Steve was in the room before now.

“Yeah, he’s on the job tonight too. He’s Steve.”

“His name’s Steve?”

“His job’s Steve. Every job needs a Steve.”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #1

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

“One day?” Marco asked. He paused. “Oh shit, you got a bite.”

“A bite?” the brown haired bagman asked.

Leather beamed. “Yes I did, Marco! Yes I did! That brings me to the next item on the agenda…

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #8

This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series Interviewing Leather Revised

“Or sometimes it’s just… it’s just what they do, and I have no idea why. I mentioned Bandolier? He loves Paramount City. And he really wants to kill the Beacon, but he’s also… he’s a friend and I don’t want to bag on him, but he’s… protective of her. He hates her but doesn’t want to hear shit about her. I know it’s not sexual or romantic or stalker-twisted-things-its-romantic. I just don’t know what it actually is. It’s like… rival baseball teams, only it’s a hero and villain and the villain builds a lot of deathtraps.”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #6

This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series Interviewing Leather Revised

“I don’t want to have to rescue you, Chapman. I’m not going out there to rescue you or perform for you. I’m going out to fight crime. And believe it or not? That’s not easy and that’s not safe. Not for me, not for innocent bystanders, not for idiot reporters, and not even for the criminals I’ll be taking down. And if you go waltzing around playing out your Truncheon fantasies, you might get hurt. You might get killed. Or? You might get me hurt or killed. And more likely than either of those? You might get some innocent bystander hurt or killed.”

She stepped back, her eyes still intense as lasers as they burned into mine. “Get this in your head, Chapman. We’re. Not. Getting. Anyone. Killed.”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #3

This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series Interviewing Leather Revised

“Jesus – look at this!” She stabbed her finger at the bed. “That quilt cover’s silk. You know how to get bloodstains out of silk? You been reading Hints from Fucking Heloise, Marco?”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #2

This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series Interviewing Leather Revised

“Cut either the heroes or the villains out of the equation, and you have one guy in tights showing up to do police work. It’s stupid. It looks ridiculous. But give a hero a villain and it becomes... I dunno. Cultural. It makes sense. If I’m there, and I’m robbing the bank, and I’m wearing bondage gear and making bad puns? Of course it makes sense that Darkhood shows up and shoots epoxy-spraying arrows at me. The absurdity cancels each other out.”

Justice Wing, Patreon, Superhero

“Being the Steve” rough draft on Patreon

Every supervillain heist needed a Steve -- a henchman who scoped the area ahead of the job, gave the all clear, watched for police or heroic intervention, and stayed clear and un-arrested so he could make the call to the Service if the villain and other henches were arrested. The Service would then clear out… Continue reading “Being the Steve” rough draft on Patreon