
Poetry: Pippo Spano

This is late. I'm sick. Thursdays are random anyway, so what the heck. This is actually the first poem I ever published, in an issue of the Black Fly Review. It was written for an art history class where we had to select a specific painting and give a response. The example was a poem,… Continue reading Poetry: Pippo Spano

Short Story

Calliope Jones and the Writer’s Cusp

This entry is part 6 of 25 in the series The Mythology of the Modern World

It's Random Thursday yet again! It's time to elaborate on monday's myth a little. Well, really what we're doing is reprinting something I wrote in my Livejournal on my birthday back in 2005. Which actually requires a little backstory. Which seems weird, but there we are. I have the good fortune to have been born… Continue reading Calliope Jones and the Writer’s Cusp