
The Fruit Fly and the Nymph of Time

This entry is part 9 of 25 in the series The Mythology of the Modern World

Another Monday, and another explanation of how the world works, behind the scenes. And, as with so many of these 'things,' we're clearing out the backlog of topics from... well, 2007. I feel like I should be tracking things with Gantt charts. Today, thankfully, we have a twofer. Two separate questions can be merged together into one… Continue reading The Fruit Fly and the Nymph of Time


Why does alcohol produce hangovers, and why doesn’t it produce hangovers consistently?

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series The Old Ways

Hello and welcome to Yet Another Week on Banter Latte. It's Monday, and that's Myth day! Huzzah! And today the myth comes from enthusiastic friend of Banter Latte Goblinpaladin, who asks: What *really* causes hangovers? It can’t be just drinking, because plenty of people drink them and don’t get them, or throw up the alcohol… Continue reading Why does alcohol produce hangovers, and why doesn’t it produce hangovers consistently?


What’s the real deal with gasoline prices?

This entry is part 10 of 25 in the series The Mythology of the Modern World

Today, we have a myth as suggested by a fellow who goes by Channing, who I know by a couple of other names but "Channing" works as well as any. Channing asks: What really is the deal with gasoline prices? Half the time there’s some kind of patent price-jacking going on to coincide with major… Continue reading What’s the real deal with gasoline prices?