
Lovelace½: For Those Who Came In Late

In Part One of Lovelace½... Andrea Gannett-Moore was a Freshman at Brooks-Carillon Academy in the outskirts of Brunswick, Maine. Born in London, Gannett-Moore — generally mistaken as just ‘Gannett’ or ‘Moore’ much to her consternation — had spent her life in boarding schools, her parents being distant and cold to her. As she got older, those… Continue reading Lovelace½: For Those Who Came In Late

Science Fiction

Lovelace½ #13

This entry is part 13 of 15 in the series Lovelace½

As stated in the Labor Day post, this is one of the busiest two week periods we have in the business of academia. We've spent the summer prepping for students and faculty to return, but when they actually do return, things get amazingly crazy, amazingly fast. That's where we are now, for those playing along at home.… Continue reading Lovelace½ #13

Science Fiction

Lovelace½ #12

This entry is part 12 of 15 in the series Lovelace½

So. It's Wednesday, and that means it's Lovelace 1/2. This is an exceptionally busy time for me, day job wise. I work at a school -- for the record, not Brooks-Carillon. In fact, my school and Brooks-Carillon aren't that much alike, beyond a superficial similarity common to many private schools. However, we're gearing up for the start of… Continue reading Lovelace½ #12

Science Fiction

Lovelace½ #10

This entry is part 10 of 15 in the series Lovelace½

Wednesday means Lovelace 1/2, and this is no exception. I'm not sure what else to say about that. Things are definitely moving. Where they go... well. For the record, there may -- may -- be a moment of wish fulfillment in this episode. I hope you enjoy Lovelace 1/2 #11 Andi expected the school day to be stranger… Continue reading Lovelace½ #10

Science Fiction

Lovelace½ #9

This entry is part 9 of 15 in the series Lovelace½

There were server problems overnight, so final prep on this post was about a half-hour late. I'm not sure anyone cared (or even noticed) but me, but there we are anyway. Nine parts into Lovelace 1/2. It's kind of wild to me how quickly this is going -- at least in one sense. Having a novel… Continue reading Lovelace½ #9

Science Fiction

Lovelace½ #4

This entry is part 4 of 15 in the series Lovelace½

Part four of Lovelace 1/2. I've been enjoying the speculation of the limits of Andi's new abilities. There's some good meat for that discussion in this one -- I think, at least. As well as the seeds of... well, what's going to come next. Enjoy! Andi stared. "What did you say?" "I said you played that… Continue reading Lovelace½ #4

Science Fiction

Lovelace½ #2

This entry is part 2 of 15 in the series Lovelace½

Part two of the new ongoing story Lovelace 1/2. Folks seemed to like Andi the last time out, which is very cool. I should mention something right at the outset. I work at a private school myself -- some of the details at Brooks-Carillon comes from my school. However, the location of the school -- just… Continue reading Lovelace½ #2