Science Fiction

Corbett-877 #6

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Corbett-877

School's well underway and we are back on track! Sorry for the momentary disturbance. And for those who dropped a tip in the hat -- thank you. It's well appreciated. One cool thing about doing flashbacks in these episodes? It's actually really freaking easy to work out the timestamps for them. Hooray for the metric… Continue reading Corbett-877 #6

Science Fiction

Corbett-877 #5

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Corbett-877

Hey hi, all! As a reminder, Interviewing Trey returns tomorrow at 9 am EDT, covering the phantom episode from last Friday. Then Lovelace 1/2 as we always expect on Wednesday, and then the next episode of Interviewing Trey on Friday. Got all that? Cool! But it's Monday right now, which means Corbett-877. One thing that's interesting about writing… Continue reading Corbett-877 #5

Science Fiction

Corbett-877 #4

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Corbett-877

And we're back with a whole new week, and with it a whole new episode of Corbett-877! So far, you guys seem to like the new story -- which I suppose is now a month old, so maybe 'new story' isn't quite accurate. Man, time goes quickly. I've had a couple of folks ask if the Myths… Continue reading Corbett-877 #4

Science Fiction

Corbett-877 #3

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Corbett-877

Monday comes again, and brings with it episode three of Corbett-877. Rather than repeat the silly confusion I created with Lovelace 1/2, I'll say that the 'canonical' pronunciation is Corbett Eight-Seventy-Seven, though if privately you want to pronounce it 'Eight Seven Seven' or 'Eight Hundred and Seventy-Seven' or something else... well, why would I mind? It's your mind, man.… Continue reading Corbett-877 #3

Science Fiction

Corbett-877 #2

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Corbett-877

Week two of Corbett-877. Last week went pretty well for a first post. I'm hoping today builds on that a little. We'll start to get more into the theme today -- you may guess this isn't exactly a two fisted adventure novel we've started. It is, as was implied, a Star Trek pastiche, though that's really meant to… Continue reading Corbett-877 #2

Science Fiction

Corbett-877 #1

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Corbett-877

It's Monday, which normally means 'myth day,' but you'll notice this isn't a myth. At least, not directly. We're going to be giving the myths a bit of a break. Understand, we're not angry at the myths. The myths are a lovely thing. However, right now the word-count for the myths exceeds the word-count for both… Continue reading Corbett-877 #1