Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #6

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Interviewing Leather - Being the Steve

“You change your circumstances, so you change your role. You wear a different face.” The Steve took a deep breath. “I do it all the time. Every time I head into the field, I’m somebody else.”

“I can’t imagine that,” the blond said. “Just… flipping like that.”

“Sure you can,” the Steve said. “When you call your grandmother, your whole attitude changes — you even get more of a southern accent.”

“Well… sure… but—“

“We all do it. Everyone does. I just… do it more completely. And every Cowl or Cape and every Crook who keeps a secret identity does it every day. The masks are external. The change is internal.”