Vignette, Justice Wing

⎇001JW Justice Wing 4P: The Economics of Crimefighting

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Justice Wing Emergence Anthology

Free bonus chapter! This is a chapter set within Justice Wing: Plan, Prototype, Produce, Perfect that didn't end up in the book proper but is both canonical and, more to the point, free for people to read! Set within the Emergence Era, we see our heroes Broadhead and Quiver – aka Dale Dodson and City Thatcher… Continue reading ⎇001JW Justice Wing 4P: The Economics of Crimefighting

Justice Wing, In Print, Physical, Amazon Kindle, Novel

⎇001JW Novel now available – Justice Wing: Plan, Prototype, Produce, Perfect

The first full length, history-spanning (all four eras!) Justice Wing novel is here!