Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #11 (Conclusion!)

This entry is part 11 of 11 in the series Interviewing Leather Revised

“Because….” I looked off, down the street. “Because we live with you. Your kind. The heroes and the villains. We live with you and we thrill with you and sometimes we’re entertained by you and sometimes we’re terrified by you, but we don’t understand you. Not always.” I put my hands in my pockets. “Barbara Babcock’s a better reporter than I’ll ever be, but that’s just it. She reports on what Paragon and the rest of you do. Not on who you are. This… this is a chance to write about who you are.” I shrugged. “That’s too important to blow on a puff piece drooling over Leather in a PVC leotard.”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #10

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Interviewing Leather Revised

So, Leather’s just wrong?”

“Mm.” He leaned back. “She’s wrong headed. In a number of ways, really, but I’m thinking of a specific kind of thing, here. We don’t need villains to be heroes… but some villains like her? They need us to need them.”

“It’s how she sleeps at night. She wants to steal anything she likes without any consequences for it. She wants a certain standard of living. She wants to make the evening news. And she wants someone else to pay for it. But… she pretends to have a conscience. Not to you or me, mind. She’s deceiving herself. She knows that she should feel guilty unless she can find some justification. And what better justification than literally making heroes possible? If she decides she’s enabling heros to be heroic, then she can satisfy that fake conscience. Heroes inspire people and save lives but only so long as villains like her make heroes possible in the first place. Having settled that, she can go out and steal anything she wants and still sleep like a baby.” He shook his head. “That 'help?' I do not need, did not ask for, and vehemently oppose. Is that unambiguous enough for your purposes, Mister Chapman?”

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #9

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series Interviewing Leather Revised

“Hey spiky!” Leather shouted, tearing the box open and aside and lifting the Mountbatten Urn where it could be clearly seen. “Is this what you’re looking for? Huh?”

Darkhood skidded to a stop. “Leather! Put that down – gently! We can talk about this!”

“Yeah, about that? So not my style!” She giggled. “Think fast!”

I stared, my hands working my camera almost mechanically, as Leather did a forward in-air roll and flung the priceless urn out and away from herself, far over Darkhood’s head.

Artwork, Justice Wing

⎇001JW Art: Crosspointe

The hero called Crosspointe started off as the sidekick to Justice Wing's acerbic archer Broadhead during the Emergence era. "Broadhead and Quiver" were an effective team, though Broadhead's typical attitude grated on the young hero. Broadhead typically left Quiver at home, but they typically snuck out to follow. By the time of Halcyon Days, Quiver… Continue reading ⎇001JW Art: Crosspointe

Novella, Justice Wing

⎇001JW In Nadir Pentad of Guardians: Transposition #1

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Justice Wing In Nadir: Transposition

Dedicated to Chris Meadows
Clear skies, hot jets, and good hunting, R_M.

Jetgirl stared. “Why are you being so blasé about all this? I mean, these people are in danger and if she’s taking everyone hostage to find some lost sprocket I can’t imagine we should let her find it.”

“It’s bad form to leap into local affairs uninvited,” Hearth replied, lightly. “And they’re looking for the 'Silver Spoke Cog,' not a sprocket.”

“I will wire you ten thousand dollars today if you can correctly define the difference between a cog and a sprocket, right here and right now, without looking it up on your phone first.”

“Well, I know Cogsworth sold cogs and Spacely sold sprockets on the Jetsons. How much is that worth?"

Writing Process, Justice Wing

Patreon Exclusive: Worldbuilding and Notes for Part 1 of RTW News Closeup: Pentad of Guardians

Below is a sneak peek of this content!

That is a long title.

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Justice Wing, Screenplay

⎇001JW Justice Wing Emergence: RTV Closeup on the Pentad of Guardians #1

RTW – Rock the World Television! – and RTV NEWS presents RTV News Closeup: The Pentad of Guardians! Meet Empire City's newest heroes and learn their secret origins! (Transcript.)

Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather: Being the Steve #1

“One day?” Marco asked. He paused. “Oh shit, you got a bite.”

“A bite?” the brown haired bagman asked.

Leather beamed. “Yes I did, Marco! Yes I did! That brings me to the next item on the agenda…

Justice Wing, Writing Process

Patreon Exclusive: Worldbuilding and Notes for Greenhorn #4

Below is a sneak peek of this content!

The Patreon Exclusive Notes and Worldbuilding returns, bringing us to Greenhorn #4. Spoilers for that, “Diverged in a Wood,” “Forebears,” and some other stuff so be warned.

To view this content, you must be a member of Eric's Patreon at %%currency_sign_front%%0.01%%currency_sign_behind%% or more
Justice Wing

⎇001JW Interviewing Leather Revised #8

“Or sometimes it’s just… it’s just what they do, and I have no idea why. I mentioned Bandolier? He loves Paramount City. And he really wants to kill the Beacon, but he’s also… he’s a friend and I don’t want to bag on him, but he’s… protective of her. He hates her but doesn’t want to hear shit about her. I know it’s not sexual or romantic or stalker-twisted-things-its-romantic. I just don’t know what it actually is. It’s like… rival baseball teams, only it’s a hero and villain and the villain builds a lot of deathtraps.”