Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part One

Welcome to the first "Random" day on the schedule. Today we have part one of a cheerful short story entitled "Interviewing Leather." Some artists have blue periods. Some poets have sonnet sequences. I? Write stories about superheroes. It's this thing I do. And this one is relatively high concept, though God knows where I could… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part One

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Two

This story has been revised! The combined revised Parts 1 and 2 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #1. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! It's another random day, and so here's part two of the… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Two

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Three

Heads up! This is not canonical to Justice Wing! This is the original Interviewing Leather #3 from alternate universe ⎇997JW The revised, canonical version of this chapter is in Part Two of Interviewing Leather Revised and we recommend you go there instead. And here we are, a random Tuesday, and right now that means it's… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Three

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Four

This story has been revised! The combined revised Parts 3 and 4 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #2. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! It's Tuesday, which for the moment seems to mean Interviewing… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Four

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Five

This story has been revised! The combined revised Parts 3 and 4 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #3. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! I'm breaking the Leather story where the scene breaks naturally… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Five

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Six

This story has been revised! The combined revised Parts 5 and 6 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #3. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! Because I love you thiiiiiiiis much, it's the sixth part… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Six

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Seven

This story has been revised! The revised Part 7 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #4. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! This is late -- for some value of late given that Tuesdays are… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Seven

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Eight

This story has been revised! The revised Part 8 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #5. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! And thus did Tuesday come, and "Interviewing Leather" came right along with it!… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Eight

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Nine

This story has been revised! The revised Part 9 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #6. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! Hey hey, kids! It's time for another "Interviewing Leather!" This is a story, as… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Nine

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Ten

This entry is part 10 of 14 in the series z⎇998JW The Original Interviewing Leather (out of continuity)

This story has been revised! The revised Part 10 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #7. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! And here we have part ten of "Interviewing Leather." A moderately well-anticipated part,… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Ten

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Eleven

This entry is part 11 of 14 in the series z⎇998JW The Original Interviewing Leather (out of continuity)

This story has been revised! The revised Part 11 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #8. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! And here we have the eleventh part of "Interviewing Leather." Stubbornly enough, she… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Eleven

Justice Wing

Interviewing Leather, Part Twelve

This entry is part 12 of 14 in the series z⎇998JW The Original Interviewing Leather (out of continuity)

This story has been revised! The revised Part 12 can be found under Interviewing Leather Revised #9. This version is from alternate universe ⎇998JW and is not in continuity with the Justice Wing stories. The revised version is the recommended version. Thanks! A week and a half wait. And (with the possible exception of the… Continue reading Interviewing Leather, Part Twelve