Justice Wing, Writing Process, Artwork

Justice Wing: Greyfalcon

Greyfalcon Test 2
Greyfalcon – click for full size

I posted this Concept Art of second tier Justice Wing hero Greyfalcon over at the Patreon (with explanation of her uniform because blah blah blah along with some background details not here).

On Twitter, I made mention that Greyfalcon isn’t “Black Canary,” but is enough of a pastiche that I wanted to do the ‘fishnets’ visual nod without compromising her defense. For example, if you look closely, not only are the ‘fishnets’ over an insulating (and bulletproof) fabric… they’re metal. In fact, they’re chain-link. Similarly, her bustier is full coverage and made essentially of ‘feathers’ of scale mail.

One of my rules of Justice Wing: the more successful a hero or villain in Justice Wing becomes, the more functional I want their uniform to be, barring specific story-exceptions. Dynamo Girl was a newbie, and wore a leotard, essentially. Leather’s combat body suits are better armored than pro racing leather bodysuits, even if they don’t show it. Amelia Kaur wears what looks like fishnets, but they turn aside knives and ground her against a number of electrical attacks.

I write superhero stories. I want my characters to look like Western Superheroes. That doesn’t mean putting them in bathing suits. And if I do – there’s an underlying story reason.

Yes. Kuar’s arms are bare. She takes a lot of grief from her allies for it, too.

(Since someone asked me – Amelia Kuar’s from the North of England. She’s of Sikh descent. Which I think makes her the… third?… Justice Wing character of Indian descent? I’m not sure off the top of my head.)

Also? For Daz3D junkies? Amelia’s my first foray into Genesis 8 Female. I’ve spent no actual money on G8F yet – I built her physical shape in G3F and transferred the morphs, grabbed the textures from G3F and then shifted them to the right skin tone, and fit the uniform from older figures. Why did I bother?

Because I built that expression in like two minutes using the new Powerpose. God I like that thing.

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