
Administrative details

We’ve added a few links to the sidebar, for those who might be interested. That includes various Alexandra Erin project links, and a link to Mason Kramer’s new 1Kaday — Mason’s vowed to do 1,024 words a day through the year, and coined his own term for a post that’s exactly 1,024 words long: the kayble. Which is like a drabble, which itself is a post that is exactly 100 words long. The kayble is exactly 1,024 words, which fits his needs perfectly.

I like experimental writing. I always have. I’ve been enjoying Anacrusis for years now, for example. I think the kayble might be a good ‘stepping stone’ between drabbles and actual short stories, and when I get my writing a little more under control (right now, I’m way off script, doing actual composition on things like “Interviewing Leather” when the idea was myth on Monday, new story or vignette on Wednesday, novel chapter on Friday. Ah well, I figure no one’s complaining) I might employ the kayble form for some of the Wednesday work. (Or even for some of the myths. That seems like an ideal size for such things.

So, if you enjoy delicious fiction, here are some new places for you to… um… enjoy delicious fiction.

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2 thoughts on “Administrative details”

  1. Hey, this is great. Thanks for linking these people. Especially that 1K/Day thing. I think that looks like a very interesting site and I’m going to be following it regularly to see what that guy comes up with.

    *looks around shiftily*


  2. Whee! Thanks for the links. I’ve made myself cut out the paid advertising for a while so I can get a clearer picture what kind of traffic word-of-mouth and word-of-mouse get me without it.

    I’ll confess to falling waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind on the latte lately. At first I scaled back to just reading Leather, and now I’m not even up to date on that.

    But I think it’s all going to pay off, and very, very soon.

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